OBERRED on Facebook and Twitter!

The aim of OBERRED project is to create a practical guide that will include the technical specificities and issues of open badges (OB), roles and skills related to Research Data Management (RDM) and principles for the application of OB to RDM.

Now, you can find two OBERRED MOOC and, perhaps, you already have one or more badges!

If you haven’t any badges, it’s no too late! You always can obtain in the following this links:
Open Badges for Open Science

Basics of managing and sharing research data

OBERRED also is a community on Facebook and Twitter!

On those, you will know the recently actualities on OBERRED and more informations on open badge for example. 

We speak about ours online consortium meetings and you can see our work in progress!

We will happy to meet you! Fellow us!

Oberred’s team