Open Badge Ecosystem for the Recognition of Skills in Research Data Management & Sharing
You will find here a set of open badges created in the framework of the Oberred project.
These badges are of 2 types:
- badges awarded after completing the project's Moocs (see menu « MOOCS »)
- a set of badges related to research data sharing (RDM) skills. These RDM badges are based on a framework of competences (see menu « Competency Framework »); they are freely reusable and adaptable to your project. They can be viewed here and can be imported from the Badgr platform
(the procedure for importing and reusing badges is described in the appendices of the practical guide).
Oberred is a European Erasmus+ project in the field of open science that aims to create an open badge ecosystem for the recognition of skills in sharing research data
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.